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Pupil Leadership

Developing children as leaders and hearing the pupil voice is incredibly important to us here at Sir Robert Geffery’s. We have a range of pupil committees that are democratically elected by the children for the children each year.

The School Council, enables and encourages the children to participate directly in the management and decision making of the school. Acting on suggestions from others in their class and from their own initiatives, the Council works with staff and governors to promote ideas for the improvement and further development of the school.

Regular presentations to the governors vary between explanations and representations of various aspects of school life and occasional suggestions for fundraising toward a special project, sometimes including requests for matched funding by governors.


The school’s Eco Committee was responsible for bringing the school up to the level where it could apply successfully for recognition as a Green Flag eco-school. The committee continues to make all in the school aware of the need to maintain the school grounds in an eco-friendly and natural manner, and to liaise with residents in the village in efforts to keep the village tidy and clean.

Our Worship Committee support the organisation and running of daily worship. This can include opening the prayer basket in whole school and class assemblies; conducting readings from the Bible; choosing class prayers previously prepared by the children and representing the school at community and church events.

The members of the Farm Committee take special care of the animals, and others in years 5 and 6 help at lunch-time to provide friendly support and willing ears to ensure that no child should feel lonely.

The Arts Committee and Sports Committee also play an important role in those areas of the curriculum and suggesting ideas and leading initiatives to enhance the Arts and Sports offer here at school.
