Children at SRG had a wonderful time on the exciting lead up to the Christmas holidays. The penultimate week of term saw lots of parents, grandparents and visitors attending the wonderful Christmas performances from each of Reception, Year 1 and 2, Year 3 and 4 and Year 5 and 6 – there was lots of super acting, singing and performing skills on show. The children really did us, their parents and themselves proud. Thank you once again to the whole staff team who put such a lot of care, passion and energy into helping the children to perform at their best and with enthusiasm. The Friends of SRG did such an amazing job at providing refreshments, the raffle and hamper presents – each performance had a lovely atmosphere. There was also a brass performance from the Year 4 class who have been having whole class cornet lessons throughout the autumn term.
The final two days of term saw us enjoying activities linked to our local community. The Landrake village brass band joined volunteers and Polly the donkey from our farm in the traditional Christmas procession through the village. Santa arrived on his tractor and the Friends of SRG created a super grotto inside school, with Santa giving every child a present.
On the final day, our Christingle services were a delight – we had beautiful singing from our school choir and Reverend Laura taught us all about the meanings of Christingles.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all from the children, parents, staff and whole SRG community.