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Commemorating 80 Years Since the D-Day Landings

On Tuesday this week, in our whole school worship assembly, children at SRG learnt about the D-Day landings of 6th June 1944. They watched a short video prepared by the BBC for Primary aged children to mark and commemorate the important 80 year anniversary of the D-Day landings. Children learned about why this was such an important point in history and heard on the video from a man who remembered hearing about it when he was 7 years old on the ‘wireless’ radio.

Mr White, our Year 5 teacher and an ex-marine spoke to the children on Thursday and showed them pictures of his personal visit to the Normandy beaches and the war graves. We said a prayer of remembrance for those that gave the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom of others.  We also flew the White Ensign flag on that day, Thursday 6th June.

On Monday next week, we are excited to be welcoming STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) ambassadors from the Royal Navy, who will be leading lessons for the Year 5 and Year 6 children – programming and coding Sphero ‘robots’ and learning to fly mini-drones!