Parents Evening – ON SITE
If you’ve booked Wednesday 18th, please come in to school and make your way to your child’s classroom and please be on time.
If you’ve booked Thursday 19th, please click on the link in your booking confirmation email at the time of your appointment (a how-to guide will be sent out nearer the time).
If you haven’t received a booking confirmation email, please check your junk mail. If not there, contact the office before 3pm on Thursday and we will resend it.
Reception, Year 1, Year 2
All parent-teacher meetings are 10 minutes long with your child’s class teacher – please log in to: Code: k5cmu
Choose your child’s teacher, input your details and tick one box for a 10-minute appointment.
You should receive a confirmation Email.
Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
Before you book your appointments:
- Make sure you know who your child/ren have maths lessons with
- Each tick box is a 5-minute appointment.
- You need to book two 5-minute appointments (two ticks):
- one with their class teacher, and
- one with their maths teacher
- If they have maths with their class teacher, then tick two (preferably back-to-back) appointments.
Log in to: Code: a6t3m
Please choose the relevant teacher/s for each child and make sure you have ticked two boxes per child – one with their class teacher and one with their maths teacher.