Every week, children always look forward to their ‘enrichment’ sessions here at school – Thursday afternoons for KS1 and Friday afternoons for KS2. There are so many different activities that are offered to expand the children’s horizons, above and beyond the National Curriculum. Timetabled activities include: farming and care of our school farm animals, allotment and growing, Forest Schools, orienteering, Play Pod creative play, extra enrichment Art, cooking, Argyle.
Below are a few pictures of some example activities recently.
Here are some Year 6 children showing their mini-stuffed toys that they have made – a great memento of their stitching and needlework sessions over their time at SRG.
Children from the Reception class were engaging in exciting science learning in their Forest School session with some pond dipping. They learnt how to identify the difference between male and female Palmate newts by their tails and back feet.
Children in Year 5 had been creating their own sunflower pictures having had inspiration from the work of Vincent Van Gogh.
Year 4 were busy on our school allotment discovering the delights of harvesting things that they had sown earlier in the season and planning ahead and sowing for the summer!
A group of Year 3 children were applying maths skills to bake rock cakes in their cookery session.
After a week of showing great resilience for their SATs, other Year 6 children this week were enjoying their Forest Schools session: