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Exciting Trip to Pentillie Castle

On Wednesday 24th April, our full class of 34 Year five children visited Pentillie Castle to assist in a data collection project with the aim of gaining knowledge and understanding of the activities undertaken by wild birds in and around the estate.

The children spent the morning learning about birds in their natural habitat and developing their knowledge about the differences evident between species and how they adapt their nests to give their babies the best chance of survival.

The children were supported by a local wildlife expert and they even managed to witness eggs in the wild as well as baby chicks living in and around the Pentillie estate. Our enthusiastic and inquisitive children had plenty of questions to ask Dave (the nature guide) and he was very happy to answer and provide stimulation for these young nature enthusiasts. In total, the children managed to see eight nesting sites and saw a plethora of species of birds.

The class will be linking their day of learning to their classroom activities during the up-and-coming science week back here in school where they will be designing and building their own nests based on what they had been learning on their trip.

SRG is a school for enthusiasts and trips like this just fuel the fire for eager learners. Whether it is scientists, historians, or Olympians… we pride ourselves here on providing a platform for children to grow and develop. The school still has spaces available in Reception for September 2024 and we would love for prospective parents in the surrounding area to organise a visit and see what amazing facilities and experiences we have to offer.