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Remote Learning

At Sir Robert Geffery’s, we are using Google Classroom to ensure that our children can access learning on and off the school site. Should a child not be able to attend school either because of isolation or lockdown (for example during the COVID pandemic), we now have enough laptops and chrome books that can be signed out and used at home. Our Remote Learning Policy details our approach to this.

All children have a login to the classroom and will be taught to use it while at school or at home. We encourage all parents to make sure they keep an eye on the classroom as key information about the class organisation, curriculum and successes are posted on there.


The content of the Google classroom remains on there and confidentiality is important for the safeguarding of all. Teachers will set homework on this platform and this could refer to work set on one of the other sites we use.

Depending on age these include:

All children have their own logins for these sites and the activity and results are monitored by school staff. Work will often be assigned but also children can use independently to extend or consolidate learning. If there is an issue accessing any of the above at home please contact us.

Remote Learning Documents
